Who is she?

Sunday, September 25, 2011

FC Seoul, Club FF and Epic Adventures

What an amazing weekend! Saturday and night turned out to be such an excellent time. A bunch of girls and I had bought tickets to see FC Seoul VS. Daejeon for W10,000 (Admission, Free Tallboy of Hite and a Hotdog). It was a deal to attract foreigners and it sure did. We even spotted 3 gingers HAHA Swoooon.

These are our "you're f****** kidding me" faces. We dropped the ball and didn't realize that World Cup Stadium was NOT in Jamsil (....ok so I didn't really check, I just assumed...) so it took us forever to get there.

There may have been some slight train-dancing and awkward stares by some men and a puppy in a bag...

View of the city with World Cup Stadium behind me.

Daejeon's side of the field. Not very hoppin'!

I had to take this for Noor!

I was actually surprised with how small of a turn out it was. I guess I don't have anything to compare it to but I thought it would be packed. Everyone seemed to be having a great time - it was rampant with foreigners and tonnes of families.

The lovely ladies.

My Asian sister Hana is in Kansas studying abroad (we met working on Hayman Island in Australia) and I miss her terribly. I got a text message from her brother Sunny asking what I was doing lastnight. SOOO long story short, he came to Hongdae to party the night away!

We were having a contest about who is prettier. I think its a tie.

As I was doing the walk of shame from my friend Joanne's house this morning, I saw this in Itaewon subway station. I think its adorable. Its a little gate for kids to go on the subway. CUTE!

Since I have gone to diet HELL this week, tomorrow will be filled with working out and then off to work.
 I drank 2x this week and only worked out about 3x.... Bad bad bad. Time to change that scale around!

1 comment:

  1. Ahh yahh Siemens Flag what!?
    Sounds like an awesome day out!


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