Who is she?

Friday, March 22, 2013

4000 Word Paper and Edinburgh

I have a paper due on Monday. I have 11 sources of quotes and relevant text to my topic. I have written out my reference list, and completed the title page.

I have however, not written a single word of my ACTUAL paper yet. 

And I don't waaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Instead of working on my paper, yesterday Caitlin and I went to Edinburgh, for some culture. Also known as pub-crawling. We were actually pretty tame because apparently "Wednesday Day Drinking" isn't sought after by many others. 

Edinburgh Castle

Pints at "The Standing Order"

Nothing like cupcakes on a park bench. There was so much icing. Frankly, cake is just there to house the ever important icing.

Caitlin showed me where JK Rowling got some inspiration for names in the Harry Potter Series.. the cemetery. Here lies William McGonagall.

This was quite possibly the worst food ever, but the atmosphere was kickin'! "Jekyll and Hydes" 

Hurray for daydrinking! 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Adventures on Abbott

I have been inspired. By www.happyorhungry.com. Go check out Lindsey, she is hilarious! My paints will never be as good as hers but for a first time, I think it is commendable!


Adventures on Abbott (Episode #1)

(No names to protect anyone from being embarrassed for being affiliated with me.)
This is me at 12.

  I was such an incredibly awkward child.
 I was so awkward and fat and liked crafts and  the indoors. But I liked boys. A lot. 
I also would have liked to not be fat and awkward and I didn't like being told I couldn't do something.

One day my sister, two of the girls who lived next door, and myself were outside watching their brother play on his skateboard. We were outside spying as we normally did, perhaps we were drinking "Freshie", I cannot confirm this.

 I had such a crush on him, but also was really pissed when we were told we couldn't have a try. I was going to show him my awesome skills.

See such an Abbott Road dreamboat. He even lit candles so he could wax the curb.

He was with some friends and I was just so mad that I didn't have a skateboard so I couldn't show him my sweet moves. I begged him to let me try. I decided that obviously I didn't look the part so that is probably why he doubted my abilities.

I went inside and found the most "hard" outfit I could find, happy face earrings and black overalls. I was feeling quite svelte that day and I thought I pulled it off.

I came outside and he let me have a shot. See, if only I had worn that outfit earlier. Mental note: Wear this more often! If this worked clearly he would see what an excellent sidekick I would be. At least I could keep his candles in my purse.

I hopped on that damn skateboard. (Note: I had never, ever been on a skateboard in my life up until that point. It looked pretty friggin' easy.) I didn't break it, so I put one foot down and pushed myself. It started wobbling.

I pushed again getting ready to get some height for an olly. I pushed again, stumbled backwards and fell off the skateboard. On. My. Ass.


Now were were never going to have Abbott Road babies and I wasn't going to be a professional skateboarder. 

I did the best I knew how, I went home. I took out my crafts, and I never came out to play until I was 13.

But that is another story for another time.


Thoughts? Did you like it? Want another one? I've got an entire backlog. 

Let me know!

Hail xx

Saturday, March 16, 2013

I run because...


2.24 miles done outside before 9 am, and then another 2 miles in the gym after that.


Give Us a Camera...We'll Give You a Showboat

Today was one of the best days I've had in university. I absolutely love my placement time, but today took the cake for "in university" days! We had an "Expressive Arts" course where we chose from a list of topics. 
I chose Photography and Digital Literacy. However, the best part was when we were given tasks and just told to GO.

Photography class: "Hailey in Small Places"

Absolutely no apologies for wasting your time.