Who is she?

Saturday, March 16, 2013

I run because...


2.24 miles done outside before 9 am, and then another 2 miles in the gym after that.



  1. Ummmmmm can we pretty please plan to do a race together at the end of the summer??? I have kinda almost maybe worked out my knee problems and it would be super super fun to train together from a distance :) I could maybe look for one around toronto??? ALSO is it still cool if I come to bootcamp class with you when I AM IN SCOTLAND!!!

    1. YES! Ok new thing. You look for a race for us at the end of August. Aren't you and Dan doing the Spartan? When is this? You are going to be so happy with the amount of working out we will be doing when you get here because we can get fat when we go out drinking and eating the rest of the time! :)


Thanks for stopping by!